How do i install airubuntu v5 in english

Publicado por canadastitan, 10 de Septiembre de 2013, 02:00:27 AM

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Hello everyone, I am a newbie here and i only speak English..I have 2 questions and would appreciate any answers..
1 I was wondering if there is an English version of Airubuntu v5, and if there is then how would I Install it..????

2 I use the Senao EnGenius EUB9603h 2000mw wireless usb adaptor,which uses the rtl8188 drivers and was wondering if it would work in monitor and inject properly with airubuntu..??
        (It only works properly in windows or mac systems presently)    and I would like to use it with linux but it never gets into monitor mode with various versions of linux and auditing software


"AirUbuntu" has no support. But we will help.

1.- By far not plan any new version.
2.- You may need support, but still not very stable for that chipset. So I can tell you that the RTL8187 driver is not yet stable. you try "WifiWay 4.5"?


XiaopanOS has support for RTL8188 chipset.